Command line toolsCurl


cds curl prepares and executes a CURL command line for a HTTP store request. This is helpful for debugging a HTTP store implementation. Outside of low-level debugging, it is more convenient to use the "cds get|put|list|add|remove …" commands, which are richer in functionality, and work on all stores.

cds curl get OBJECT
cds curl get HASH [from|on STORE]

Downloads an object with a GET request on an object store.

cds curl put FILE [onto STORE]

Uploads an object with a PUT request on an object store.

cds curl book OBJECT
cds curl book HASH [on STORE]

Books an object with a POST request on an object store.

cds curl list message box of ACTOR [on STORE]
cds curl list private box of ACTOR [on STORE]
cds curl list public box of ACTOR [on STORE]

Lists the indicated box with a GET request on an account store.

cds curl watch message box of ACTOR [on STORE]
cds curl watch private box of ACTOR [on STORE]
cds curl watch public box of ACTOR [on STORE]

As above, but with a watch timeout of 60 second.

cds curl add (FILE|HASH)* to (message|private|public) box of ACTOR [and …] [on STORE]
cds curl remove HASH* from (message|private|public) box of ACTOR [and …] [on STORE]

Modifies the indicated boxes with a POST request on an account store. Multiple modifications to different boxes may be chained using "and". All modifications are submitted using a single request, which is optionally signed (see below).

… using KEYPAIR

Signs the request using KEYPAIR instead of the actor's key pair. The store may or may not verify the signature.

For debugging purposes, information about the signature is stored as ".cds-curl-bytes-to-sign", ".cds-curl-hash-to-sign", and ".cds-curl-signature" in the current folder. Note that signatures are valid for 1-2 minutes only. After that, servers will reject them to guard against replay attacks.

