Command line toolsShow objects

Show objects

cds show record OBJECT
cds show record HASH on STORE

Downloads an object, and shows the containing record. The stores are tried in the order they are indicated, until one succeeds. If the object is not found, or not a valid Condensation object, the program quits with exit code 1.

The following object properties can be displayed:

cds show hash of …
cds show size of …
cds show bytes of …
cds show hashes of …
cds show data of …
cds show record …

Multiple properties may be combined with "and", e.g.:

cds show size and hashes and record of …
cds show record HASH

As above, but uses the selected store.

cds show record FILE

As above, but loads the object from FILE rather than from an object store.

… decrypted with AESKEY

Decrypts the object after retrieval.

cds show object …

A shortcut for "cds show hashes and data of …".

Related commands

cds get OBJECT [decrypted with AESKEY]
cds save [data of] OBJECT [decrypted with AESKEY] as FILE
cds open envelope OBJECT [on STORE] [using KEYPAIR]
cds show document OBJECT [on STORE]

