APIRetrieving an object

Retrieving an object

Retrieving an unencrypted object

Use the store's get function to retrieve an object.

Retrieving an encrypted object

		GetAndDecrypt.Done done = new GetAndDecrypt.Done() {
			void onGetAndDecryptDone(@NonNull CondensationObject object) {
				// The object was found and decrypted

			void onGetAndDecryptInvalid(@NonNull String reason) {
				// The object was not found

			void onGetAndDecryptFailed(@NonNull String error) {
				// The store reported an error

		new GetAndDecrypt(reference, store, keyPair, done);
		var done = keyPair.getAndDecrypt(reference, store);

		done.onDone = function(object) {
			// The object was found and decrypted

		done.onInvalid = function(reason) {
			// The object was not found

		done.onFailed = function(error) {
			// The store reported an error
		my ($object, $invalidReason, $storeError) = $keyPair->getAndDecrypt($reference, $store);

		if (defined $storeError) {
			# The store reported an error
		} elsif (defined $invalidReason) {
			# The object was not found
		} else {
			# The object was found and decrypted

Retrieves an object from a store and decrypts it.

If the store reported an error, the operation fails with that error. It may succeed when called again at a later time.

If the object is not found, the operation fails as invalid.